International Trademark Registration – Procedure, Benefits, and FAQs 2024

international trademark registration india
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In today’s globalized business environment, obtaining trademark protection in multiple countries is crucial for companies looking to expand internationally. A strong global brand identity establishes credibility, boosts recognition, and deters infringement by competitors.

International trademark registration under the Madrid Protocol offers companies a streamlined, cost-effective solution for registering trademarks in over 100 member territories through a single application. According to, India’s top legal and accounting services provider, international trademark filings from India reached over 1.25 million in 2022.

This comprehensive guide will outline the Madrid Protocol system, benefits of international trademark registration, step-by-step application procedure, and FAQs to help you make informed decisions about protecting your brand globally.

What is a Trademark?

A trademark refers to any word, symbol, color, sound, smell, logo, or combination used by a company to identify its goods and services. It allows customers to distinguish a company’s products from competitors. Trademarks can be registered through national or regional intellectual property (IP) offices.

Registration provides the owner with exclusive rights to the mark and enables enforcement against infringement. highlights that trademarks are territorial and registration in one country does not confer protection in others. International registration is required for global IP coverage.

Madrid Protocol for International Registration

The Madrid Protocol is an international trademark registration system governed by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). It enables companies to register a trademark in multiple jurisdictions through a single application filed with their national IP office.

Here are some key features of the Madrid Protocol:

  • Cost-saving compared to separate national applications
  • Single language for application
  • Centralized management through WIPO
  • One set of changes for registered marks
  • Opposition managed directly with each member

Over 100 countries, including the EU, USA, China, Japan and India are members of the Madrid Protocol. This widespread membership makes it an attractive route for global trademark protection.

Pre-Requisites for International Registration

To file for international trademark registration under the Madrid Protocol via India, the applicant must fulfil these conditions as per Indian trademark laws:

  • Be an Indian citizen or company incorporated in India
  • Possess a prior national trademark application/registration in India
  • File the same mark and goods/services as the Indian application
  • Select member countries where protection is desired

Experts at emphasize completing a comprehensive global trademark availability search to ensure no identical or deceptively similar marks exist. This prevents rejection and saves time and costs.

Step-by-Step Procedure for International Registration

Follow these key steps when filing for international trademark registration under the Madrid Protocol:

1. File Indian National Application

Submit an application for trademark registration with the Indian Trademarks Office. This establishes the basis for an international application.

2. Prepare Madrid Application

Complete Madrid Protocol application forms MM2(E) electronically on the WIPO website. Pay handling fees. List countries for registration.

3. Submit to Indian Trademark Office

File the international application and fees with the Indian Trademarks Registry as the office of origin. They will verify and transmit it to WIPO.

4. Formalities Check by WIPO

WIPO checks if all formalities comply with the Madrid Protocol. If approved, the mark is recorded in the International Register.

5. Examination by Each Member

Individual members conduct trademark examinations under their national laws. Acceptance or rejection is communicated to WIPO within 18 months.

6. Registration Certificate

After acceptance by members, WIPO issues an international registration certificate. The mark is now protected in the designated countries.

Experts at recommend engaging a trademark attorney for guidance on documentation and processes to avoid procedural delays or rejection.

Benefits of International Trademark Registration

Here are the major advantages of obtaining an international trademark registration through the streamlined Madrid Protocol:

Cost Savings

Filing one application through WIPO is significantly cheaper than separate national filings in each member territory. Renewals and record changes also require just one filing.

Ease of Management

Centralized administration of the mark through WIPO simplifies international management versus dealing with different national offices.

Enhanced Protection

One registration extends protection to multiple countries where the mark is used or expansion planned, preventing infringement.

Global Brand Presence

International recognition establishes brand identity and deters others from using the mark globally.

Licensing Opportunities

Registered trademarks open up global licensing, franchising and brand extension possibilities.

Facilitates Imports/Exports

International protection combats infringement and unfair competition abroad when exporting marked goods.

With the benefits highlighted above, experts at strongly recommend international trademark registration for brands seeking an overseas presence and market growth. [Call now : 9284041780]

FAQs on International Trademark Registration

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions on the Madrid Protocol for international trademark protection:

How long does the process take?

Typically 12 to 18 months from Indian application to grants in member countries. The Indian filing date is the registration date in all members.

Can the list of countries be expanded later?

Yes, new members can be designated subsequently by filing a request for territorial extension with WIPO.

What are the renewal requirements?

A single renewal at WIPO maintains protection in all members. The term is 10 years from the international registration date.

How are transfers of ownership recorded?

Recording assignment or mergers at WIPO automatically notifies all members rather than separate recordings per country.

Can priority under the Paris Convention be claimed?

Yes, priority can be claimed from earlier national or regional applications if filed within 6 months.

What happens if a member refuses the mark?

The international registration is not affected. Refused members are removed from the national list while other grants remain intact.

Reach out to the experts at for personalized assistance and advice on international trademark registration or any other legal services your business needs.


Obtaining international trademark protection is vital for companies seeking to capitalize on the goodwill of their brand globally. The Madrid Protocol offers an efficient and cost-effective solution through WIPO’s centralized registration mechanism spanning over 100 countries.

Leveraging India’s accession to the Madrid Protocol in 2010, Indian companies can now easily secure their trademarks abroad. By understanding the Madrid application process, pre-requisites, and key benefits, brand owners can make informed decisions on securing their intangible assets internationally.

This article has provided comprehensive information and a step-by-step guide to the Madrid Protocol system. For tailored advice on international trademark registration or other intellectual property protection for your India-based company, consult with the experienced professionals at Their expertise will help you build a strong and valuable brand identity worldwide. [Call now: 9284041780]

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